Platform Architecture Festival, THE NEW TOGETHER, Venice 23/26 June

Platform Architecture Festival, THE NEW TOGETHER, Venice 23/26 June
Scuola Grande della Misericordia – 24 June h. 17.50
Federica De Leva talks about PALAZZO DI FUOCO
We would like to thank Simona Finessi and Luca Molinari, curators of THE NEW TOGETHER, and the entire Platform Network team for selecting our project Palazzo di Fuoco, which is on show at the Scuola Grande della Misericordia in Venice until 30 July.
THE NEW TOGETHER is an exhibition and, at the same time, an active platform for collecting all those projects that are children of a new time, generous and able to point out the changes we are experiencing and the solutions that can accompany this transition.
On Saturday 24 June at 5.50 pm, during the PLATFORM ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL (Scuola Grande della Misericordia, Venice 23/26 June), Federica De Leva, partner at GBPA Architects, will present Palazzo di Fuoco live on the Platform YouTube channel (to which we invite you to subscribe), illustrating how this project has been able to respond to the challenges posed by the changes of the new millennium by creating a building attentive to the quality of life, the common good and sustainability.
Our project recovers the characteristic elements of the original concept, reinterpreting them in the light of contemporary reality and the most advanced technologies available today: light, colour, transparency, permeability and relationship with the city.