Milan | ItalyDATE
Enpam Real Estate s.r.l.TYPE OF WORK
Feasibility studyPARTNERS-IN-CHARGE
Antonio Gioli, Federica De LevaDESIGN TEAM
Alberto Sismondini, Giulia Sovico, Mara Brozzi

The object of the feasibility study was the redevelopment of the existing building with the aim of transforming it into a residence for self-sufficient elderly people.
The aim of the design choices was to combine the particular functional, technological and distributive needs required by this type of use with an external image of the building as a contemporary residence, welcoming and efficient at the same time, perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.
This type of residence is in a phase of rapid growth and evolution: new types of housing and aggregation are being sought that can meet the needs of a growing elderly population with increasingly long expectations of a healthy and active life.